Category: Psychological aspects
Adoption is a life-changing journey, both for the child and the adoptive family. However, the process can be complex, expensive, and emotionally challenging. To support prospective adoptive parents, various adoption assistance programs are available...
In reсent deсades, there has been a signifiсant shift in soсietal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights and reсognition, inсluding the right to build families through adoption. While сhallenges and barriers still exist, progress has been...
The use of online content is growing rapidly. People are becoming more and more dependent on the internet. This is also the time when parents are expected to protect their children from online abuse....
A psychology essay is an assignment that asks students to explore a particular topic in psychology and to provide their own insights and analysis. Customwritings review in psychology can take many different forms, but...
Adaptation is a process that involves creating new relationships and mutually adapting with the goal of developing better conditions for children in foster care. The adoption process can be one way, but many children...
What is the difference between guardianship and conservatorship? Who can become a guardian (custodian)? Legislation establishes that guardianship is established over young children, i.e. children under the age of fourteen, and custody is established...
Help for a parent when adopting a child with mental trauma The younger the child, the more difficult it is to provide psychological help. There is a very interesting French psychoanalytic trend that is...
Is it necessary to have a special attitude toward a foster child: say, should you be nicer to him than to your own child? Parents think that they can yell at their own child...
What questions should parents ask themselves before adopting a child? “Why do you want to do this?” The answer to this question addresses us to a deeper awareness of our own motivations for acting....
Problems of adolescence in a foster child As a teenager, every child faces questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I like? Who do I look like? It is clear...